I'm back b*tches.

Monday, September 26, 2005

let's just say i was on a creative vacation...or my brain has been check out in, as taryn calls it, la-la-love land for the last four months. this is true, i have been in the wonderful state of cloud nine. not that the vacation's over by any means but my brain's creative energy that was previously consumed by [we'll call him] mr. right, has come flooding back.

few things that i have stumbled upon while vacationing:

Pink is the New Blog

Go Fug Yourself

go and look at them. i visit the top one, everyday. It's better than Us Weekly. I can't believe Ashton married Demi...gross. and if brittney bashing is your thing than this site will be your mecca.

in a completely unrelated topic. ever get your heel stuck in one of those grates in the street? yes? well then you can understand my anguish. i ruined a beautiful pair of shoes on the way to work this morning. which set off into a chain of events that i am convinced are irreversible. because i was so upset about my shoe and i couldn't find my ID in my enormous but fabulous new bag i slam into the turnstile (which when i see happen to other people i snicker to myself) b/c i was also to busy saying hello to a former co-worker. well, at least the security guard got a good laugh. i must have looked like a train wreck b/c he just used his pass and let me in. not to mention the mo-hair from my new sweater all over my suit jacket. but this is nothing that a little shipping tape can't cure.

well, now i just sound like im whining. there are people living with out food, clean water or shelter in Louisiana. i think a messed up heel and mo-hair on my jacket is not really something to be so upset about.

that's all for now. more to come as this week is packed with events....