I'm back b*tches.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dear Taryn,

Please do not invite the Publisher to your birthday party at Crobar. Highly inappropriate.


might have gotten myself black listed from Marquee after karate chopping a pyramid of rubix cubes. i've never gotten a worse stink eye from a bouncer, ever. wellllll i take that back. i've never gotten a worse stink eye from a bouncer [that i can remember]. come on, it didn't even make a mess.

in related stories, rappers are talented people. anyone who can create lyrics about magazine publishing deserves a pat on the back. and not only did Billy Shakes manage to rhyme magazine w/ well anything, he had about 30 white collar office dwellers waiving their hands in the air like it was nobody's' business. between that and tango dancing, i would say it was a good night.

has anyone ever been in a cab in nyc that doesn't smell of some fowl funk? from BO to indian food to vomit.

Dear Cab Driver #44551,

One time I let milk spoil in the trash can in my cube. I pin-pointed the odor and eliminated it IMMEDIATELY as I did not want to wallow in the stench for 6 hours or let anyone think that I was the smelly girl. Would you mind using the same courtesy? And is that smell coming from you? How embarrassing.


P.S. Yes, one time I left a opened beer on the floor of your cab, but the smell of beer is a delicious aroma and it masked the smell of spoiled indian food quite well.