I'm back b*tches.

Friday, September 30, 2005

sweater and blazers and ponchoes...OH MY!
i don't know if i am ready for these brisk temperatures yet. of course i was complaining when it was hot out so really there is no happy ground. i do really enjoy the fall though. all of the layering, no need to wear a coat out.

cocktail mathematics....

hours of sleep - # of drinks = true number of hours slept.
of course there is a denominator. 1 glass of water drank right before going to sleep = 1 hour of additional sleep per glass drank.

Consider this...

Eryn had 12 drinks last night. She went to bed at 3 am and woke up at 7:30 am. Before passing out she drank 3 glasses of water. How many hours of did Eryn really get?

I was really in bed at 9:30 last night but just pretend.