I'm back b*tches.

Friday, September 30, 2005

sweater and blazers and ponchoes...OH MY!
i don't know if i am ready for these brisk temperatures yet. of course i was complaining when it was hot out so really there is no happy ground. i do really enjoy the fall though. all of the layering, no need to wear a coat out.

cocktail mathematics....

hours of sleep - # of drinks = true number of hours slept.
of course there is a denominator. 1 glass of water drank right before going to sleep = 1 hour of additional sleep per glass drank.

Consider this...

Eryn had 12 drinks last night. She went to bed at 3 am and woke up at 7:30 am. Before passing out she drank 3 glasses of water. How many hours of did Eryn really get?

I was really in bed at 9:30 last night but just pretend.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

New shoes for party: $90.
5 Leechie martinis: $0.
Hearing the 1st sober encounter in the cube next to you: Priceless.

when a turbo iced coffee is not doing the trick and your co-worker is telling bold tales of tiny dancers you know it's time to trade the loafers and blazer for slippers and pjs. god i would give my first born son to be on my couch watching the Ellen Degeneris show.

leechie martinis anyone?? delicious but unfortunately the mardarin oriental is might be the only place in town that serves them. well that's a bold statement, there are only 30,000 hotels and bars in nyc.

Dear Sarah,

You win.

Eryn & Taryn

P.S. Hold me close now tiny dancer....

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

as a follow up to yesterday's "Dear Taryn"...

Dear Eryn,

Please do not flash the group president.


P.S. If you want a raise this is not the way to go about getting it.

what an embarrassing accident. jesus. i don't remember the last time i turned that red. if this is any pre-cursor for this evening, i am in for a doosie.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Dear Taryn,

Please do not invite the Publisher to your birthday party at Crobar. Highly inappropriate.


might have gotten myself black listed from Marquee after karate chopping a pyramid of rubix cubes. i've never gotten a worse stink eye from a bouncer, ever. wellllll i take that back. i've never gotten a worse stink eye from a bouncer [that i can remember]. come on, it didn't even make a mess.

in related stories, rappers are talented people. anyone who can create lyrics about magazine publishing deserves a pat on the back. and not only did Billy Shakes manage to rhyme magazine w/ well anything, he had about 30 white collar office dwellers waiving their hands in the air like it was nobody's' business. between that and tango dancing, i would say it was a good night.

has anyone ever been in a cab in nyc that doesn't smell of some fowl funk? from BO to indian food to vomit.

Dear Cab Driver #44551,

One time I let milk spoil in the trash can in my cube. I pin-pointed the odor and eliminated it IMMEDIATELY as I did not want to wallow in the stench for 6 hours or let anyone think that I was the smelly girl. Would you mind using the same courtesy? And is that smell coming from you? How embarrassing.


P.S. Yes, one time I left a opened beer on the floor of your cab, but the smell of beer is a delicious aroma and it masked the smell of spoiled indian food quite well.

Monday, September 26, 2005

let's just say i was on a creative vacation...or my brain has been check out in, as taryn calls it, la-la-love land for the last four months. this is true, i have been in the wonderful state of cloud nine. not that the vacation's over by any means but my brain's creative energy that was previously consumed by [we'll call him] mr. right, has come flooding back.

few things that i have stumbled upon while vacationing:

Pink is the New Blog

Go Fug Yourself

go and look at them. i visit the top one, everyday. It's better than Us Weekly. I can't believe Ashton married Demi...gross. and if brittney bashing is your thing than this site will be your mecca.

in a completely unrelated topic. ever get your heel stuck in one of those grates in the street? yes? well then you can understand my anguish. i ruined a beautiful pair of shoes on the way to work this morning. which set off into a chain of events that i am convinced are irreversible. because i was so upset about my shoe and i couldn't find my ID in my enormous but fabulous new bag i slam into the turnstile (which when i see happen to other people i snicker to myself) b/c i was also to busy saying hello to a former co-worker. well, at least the security guard got a good laugh. i must have looked like a train wreck b/c he just used his pass and let me in. not to mention the mo-hair from my new sweater all over my suit jacket. but this is nothing that a little shipping tape can't cure.

well, now i just sound like im whining. there are people living with out food, clean water or shelter in Louisiana. i think a messed up heel and mo-hair on my jacket is not really something to be so upset about.

that's all for now. more to come as this week is packed with events....