dentist appt. at lunch. NO CAPTIVES biatch. 24 years running. but on a slightly more disgusting note. i love looking down into the rinse sink thingy and seeing a chunk of flesh. WATCH THE GUMS JUANITA.
Poor Star Jones. Such an easy target.
dentist appt. at lunch. NO CAPTIVES biatch. 24 years running. but on a slightly more disgusting note. i love looking down into the rinse sink thingy and seeing a chunk of flesh. WATCH THE GUMS JUANITA.
the winner of my favorite line of the day award goes to.....Taryn with...
this morning i carried an umbrella that said "puppy" and "dog" and had pictures of puppies and dogs on it. (very reminiscent of the "cats are cool. kittens are cute" shirt that ange has told me the crazy flemmington cat lady wears) it was like that time in 6th grade when i wore a trolls t-shirt to a boy-girl party.
i played wedding crashers with boyfriend's sister on saturday night. what dancing to "pour some sugar on me" at someone else's wedding, no good? we were quickly escorted, rather pushed, out by what appeared to be the bride's maids. bitches. suprisingly i kept my cool and only told them that they were number one. boyfriend was surprised by this.
This guy so killed his wife. It's always the husband. He just happens to be a little smarter than Peterson.
Yes, I am dating the guy who takes off his shirt at Crobar.
this morning's blog will be filled with dialog...
new job, new job, i got a new job! 6 months of meetings paid off. you are reading the blog of the newest sales planner for oh happy day.
re-do from earlier post:
dress for the wedding.... check
attack of the chunky shoes
walking to work this morning i noticed that Saks has new window display. (okay not that new but i keep forgetting to comment on it). call me crazy but i don't think that sheep can...